
Can you sue for a misdiagnosis?

Receiving a misdiagnosis is a form of medical negligence that can be as hurtful to our mental health as it can be to our physical health. If you’ve been given a misdiagnosis that underestimates the extent of your medical issues, you can be left feeling like you were never taken seriously nor properly heard. With...Read More

Example cases of medical negligence

When we trust professionals to help us, we don’t just want them to do a good job; we need to know that our time, money, and trust haven’t been misplaced. This is true in many areas of life, but it’s scarcely more important than when it comes to our healthcare. Medical negligence can leave its...Read More

All you need to know about a deputyship order

What is a deputyship order? A Deputyship Order is a way that someone becomes legally allowed to make certain decisions on another person’s behalf if they no longer have the capacity to make those decisions for themselves and they have not made a Lasting or Enduring Power of Attorney. Types of deputyship order There are...Read More

When you should update your Will

Updating your Will is an important task that many often ignore and put off. As personal circumstances change, it is not uncommon for you to want to change your Will. An outdated Will could cause lots of complications for your loved ones when you die. For example, it can cause them to receive less than...Read More

Life Interest Trust

For many of us, our home is our main financial asset which we have worked hard for and wish to ensure that it passes to our chosen beneficiaries. A Property Life Interest Trust can be included in your Will to allow you to protect your home which you hope to pass on to your family....Read More

The importance of a Lasting Power of Attorney

Leaving a will ensures your affairs are taken care of after your death, but many fail to consider what happens if they are not able to manage their affairs during their lifetime. In this article, we consider why you should plan and arrange a Lasting Power of Attorney. What is a Lasting Power of Attorney...Read More

The importance of appointing guardians in your will

If your children are under the age of 18, have you thought about making sure your will states who should care for them if both parents pass away? Parental responsibility If one parent dies and the other has parental responsibility, that parent will take over responsibility for any children and a guardian would not need...Read More

Hospital Acquired Pressure Sores

Pressure Sores, also known as pressure ulcers are caused when an area of skin and/or the tissue below the skin is damages as a result of being placed under sufficient pressure or distortion to impair its blood supply. You are more likely to be at risk off suffering a pressure ulcer if you are seriously...Read More

A Patient’s Right to C-Section on Demand

A Caesarean Section or C-Section can be undergone during pregnancy for three reasons: An unplanned caesarean birth if the child’s health/life is threatened during labour An obstetrician may advise a caesarean birth, if in his/her opinion a vaginal birth would put the health/life of the bay at risk. This is known as an elective planned...Read More

Never Events

Each month, the NHS typically sees over 1 million attendances across the UK. Whilst the vast majority of consultations, treatments and surgeries are done with no complications, there are some events, in which regretfully, mistakes do happen. What is a Never Event? The NHS regard “Never Events” as serious, largely preventable incidents that should not...Read More