Car Accident

All You Need To Know About Accident Claims

When you or a loved one is involved in an accident it can be a very confusing and upsetting time. Often accidents can cause people to be unable to work or to even care for themselves properly. In these instances you may want to look at filing an accident claim in order to help get your life back to the way it was.

Car Accident

It is important to know that regardless of whether you were in the car or simply a pedestrian involved in the accident, you are within your rights to be compensated for any damages. Whether it be medical expenses, loss of income- present and future or any other expenses that have been as a result of the accident. It is impossible to say how much compensation you will receive until your circumstances have been fully analysed by a solicitor and all evidence for your claim has been compiled.

What to do after that accident

In order to have a strong case and receive the compensation you deserve, it is important you have as much documentation as possible. The following is a comprehensive list of all the documentation you will need to collect in the time following the accident.

  • Copy of the police report as this may contain records of who in the police officers opinion was to blame for the accident.
  • Photographs or Video footage of the vehicle and accident scene.
  • Photographs or Video footage of any injuries you have sustained as a result of the accident.
  • Any records of visiting your GP, emergency rooms, physical therapists after the accident and copies of any prescriptions. These will all need to be signed and dated to prove that the treatment received was in fact post-accident.
  • An official letter from your employer that notes down and verifies any hours of work that you have lost as a result and the exact amount of income you have lost.
  • Keep any records and receipts of services and costs that you have incurred as a result of the accident. This could include taxi services if you are unable to now drive, any cancellations and costs as a result, any child care services etc.
  • You should also keep a diary of every day since the accident, this should detail your day and what has been difficult mentally, physically and emotionally as a result of your injuries. You should also write about any procedures or treatments you have had to go through and how they made your feel/any discomfort experienced.

Once you have collated all of the evidence it should be handed over to your solicitor who will work to compile it all into a case that will hopefully win your compensation. Once this is done, your solicitor will be able to give you a figure of what they feel you will receive in their professional opinion.